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Peru Destinations


The capital of Peru, Lima is where you will arrive into if you fly into Peru. In years gone by Lima was only a stopover to get to somewhere else. Today most who arrive spend time here. Here you will find a variety of places to see and visit. The historical center of the city features the goverment buildings mixed with some lovely Spanish colonial building, There are churches to visit with interesting histories. Spend some time in the modern districts of San Isidro and Miraflores a trendy district by the sea where most of the well to do Limenos live. Lima is known for its food scene and there are many great restaurants to try. Dont miss the chance to spend some time in Lima.


Cusco was the capital of the Inca Empire and the region is crowded with ancient Inca ruins and history. The city itself is reminisent of old European towns, with cobblestone streets and a interesting mix of Inca and Spanish architecture. Around the city there is plenty to keep you occupied from museums to ruins and markets to pass the time. Cusco features some of the most lovely hotels in which you will ever stay, most housed in renovated colonial terraces, featuring treasures the need to be seen. One of the attractions that draws people to the city is the fantastic nightlife, something for all.

Travel outside the city and the choice of things to see is endless. Visit the Sacred Valley of the Inca and be inawe of the sheer size of the mountains. Stay a few days and explore the lovely valley towns and their interesting history. From the Sacred Valley board a luxury or budget train to the famous Inca citadel of Machu Picchu, this incredible Inca ruin is the most visited in South America and you will see why when you visit.

Inca Trail

Rated on of the top 10 hikes in the world, the Inca Trail is a pilgrimage that thousands every year travel to Peru to partake. Part of the original Inca Trail the hike ends in Machu Picchu. The classic trail is 4 days of trekking through the high Andes, on this challenging walk you will hike up to hike passes, walk down thousands of stairs and visit many ruins along the way. Camp under the stars and dine on the best camping food that you could imagine. Starting in the high Andes you will descend to the rainforest and Machu Picchu. Have a guided tour of the world famous site and learn about its mysterious past.


Peru’s second city, Arequipa is a wonderful break from the high Andes. Located in the middle of a desert, the city get little if no rain all year round. The climate is temperate and the sun is always shining. Most of Arequipa is built from a local white stone called Sillar, giving it the name of the White City. There are some interesting attractions in the city, the main square is lovely filled with flowers and colonial buildings. A visit to the Santa Catalina monastery is a must, and just outside the city there are 3 active volcanos to visit.


Located around 6 hours from the capital Lima, in the middle of one of the driest deserts in the world is the town of Nazca. The town itself is small with a few hotels and restaurants mostly geared to tourism. What most people travel to Nazca for is the mysterious figures and shapes that are carved into the desert floor. Discovered in the 1930’s, the lines can only be appreciated by air. Take a flight over the lines with one of the many companies selling tour from Nazca. The pilot will show you the different figures that range from Monkeys, Spiders, Lizards and even a spaceman. Archaelogists cant seem to agree on who or why they made these figures in the desert, but it is truly amazing and worth the time to see.


Travel around 7 hours south from Cusco is the high Andean town of Puno. Located on the shores of Lake Titicaca the town is famous for the islands in the middle of the lake. Thousands flock to Puno to visit the lake every year. The Uros people live on the lake on islands made from the reeds that grow in the lake. Every 6 months they need to refresh the reeds. Their houses and boats are also made from the reeds. Take a tour and see their interesting and peaceful way of life. Buy one of the many souvenirs the locals make which helps support their way of life. Also on the lake are the stone islands of Amatani and Taquille. Visit the islands and see how they make a living and maybe even stay the night.

Puerto Maldonado

A wonderful jungle town, where most of the tours to the jungle start. Originally a town for the export of rubber, today the town is geared to tourism. Located on the Madre de Dios river, the river is the main sources of transport for most of the people who live along the banks. Take a tour down river and visit one of the many lodges located in the area. Part of the Amazon, see many varities of fauna and flora on one of the many tours that you can take from the lodges. If you love nature a trip to Puerto Maldonado and the Amazon jungle is a must.

Colca Canyon

The Colca Canyon is located around 8 hours from the city of Arequipa. On the way see wonderful terracing and verdant fields. The canyon is one of the largest on the planet. The sheer size will take your breath away. From the many vantage point see the condors as they float up on the thermal winds. There are many treks that are available to trek into the canyon for 2 or 3 days, for those who love adventure. Stay at the town of Chivay and experience the inviting hot pools that are close to the town.


South of Lima on the coast is the port town of Paracas. From the town take a boat tour out to the Ballestas Islands to see the thousands of sea birds and sea lions that call these islands home. In the town there are many luxury hotels and resorts to stay and rest from your travels in Peru. Enjoy delicious seafood freshly caught and prepared.

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