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Steps to book with Orange Nation


A. If you are booking for the Classic Inca Trail of 3, 4, 5 and 7 days, with ORANGE Nation Peru, please click on the Inca Trail Availability. Check your start date before booking to make sure the government still has permits available. You only need a permit for your start date (not each day trekking) and we will secure the permit on your behalf. If you are a single trekker, please check with us at for availability of a group.

B. If you are booking an alternative trek or tour package (note no permits are need for alternative treks), please contact us at to check availability. We can then share with you all of the fantastic options available.


A. For treks and tours without hotels, the deposit is $200 + $11 service fee = $211 per person.

B. For all tours that include hotels, the deposit is $300 + $16 service fee = $316 per person.

C. Please make your deposit by clicking on paypal-icon PayPal


A. When we have received your booking form and your deposit, we will do a final confirmation and send you a travel invoice.

B. Please be sure to review your confirmation and travel invoice for accuracy.

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